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This page displays an up-to-date listing of changes to our customer support web. We'll also place notices here regarding product updates, scheduled releases, or problems and work-arounds that may affect all customers.
Aug 26, 2012: Our provider had a card in a router lock up on them this evening at 7:36 pm. It took them about an hour and a half to diagnose & fix the card. All services were down until that was corrected.
Jan 10, 2012: Our main web server lost it's hard drive this morning about 10:30. We are restoring to a new drive from last night's backup. This process will take several hours. Email and a few websites were not affected. We expect this to be done around 8 to 9 pm tonight.
Jul 16, 2011: The last few days we've been getting reports of problems connecting to the mail server through a web browser. After some testing, it definitely is not the mail server itself, but appeared to be our router. Tried swapping out a network card in the router yesterday but that didn't help, so we swapped out the entire router this morning. We will continue to monitor the issue and see if the changes we made have any effect.
Mar 9, 2011: We're getting reports of missing email and/or folders from some clients. We are working with the tech support staff for the mail server to resolve this issue.
Mar 8, 2011: Mail will be down for a little while this evening starting around 9:30 while we upgrade to a new release of the mail server software. Not sure exactly how long but will let you know.
Jan 16, 2011: The 888# issues have now been resolved.
Jan 15, 2011: We're having issues with our 888 # and are trying to track down why it's being reported as out of service. In the interim, you can reach us at 480-704-2000. Thank you for your patience.
Contact Information
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Last modified: April 19, 2006